INTERVAL is a musician-founded and operated music house focused on elevated, future-minded audio solutions for fashion, advertising, film, TV and other commercial use. 

INTERVAL is the only resource providing access to the upper echelon of music from the global underground at scale. Our one-stop catalog - approx 8000+ tracks from 200+ artists - is carefully curated from globally significant, independent artists who are traditionally underrepresented in the publishing space.  

Being musicians ourselves, our model empowers the artists we work with to retain control over their intellectual property while also maintaining agency of their careers and image, unlike most traditional publishers.  

︎          >>>CATALOG<<<          ︎          ~~~SFX~~~          ︎          +++MIX+++          ︎          ≈≈≈VERSION≈≈≈          ︎          «««ORIGINAL COMP»»»          ︎          ···SOUND DESIGN···           ︎          >>>LICENSE<<<          ︎          ~~~MUSIC SUPERVISION~~~          ︎          +++MASTER+++          ︎          ···FINISHING···